Tuesday 5 February 2008

$1K at last !

As the title suggests, my roll has not passed the $1k mark ! I must confess this has been a real grind of a month, these micro limit tables are soo fcuking fishy and depressing. So I decided to experiment a little but trying the odd stt and mtt.

Tournament play is an area of my poker that has been sorely neglected for quite a while. I did win several reasonable tournaments, $5K +, during 2005, but turned to cash games shortly after. I aint played a tournament since. So given I was becoming a little depressed with the micro limits, I ventuerd to try my luck at some stt & mmt action. In the last week or so I have won almost two hundred dollars at stt's ($10, 10 seat) and must admit I have thoroughly enjoyed the game. As for the MTT's well I aint cashed in any yet but I have had a few encouraging results, getting close to the money, so I feel there is definately room for improvement and a result ! This slight change in direction has given me a whole new impetus in my poker play, I am actually enjoying playing tourneys as opposed to grinding the cash micro levels.

My roll now mean I can now move up to the $0.25/0.50 levels, but I shall continue to give the cash tables a miss for a week or so and carry on with the tourney experiment !

Roll: $1073.26

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