Saturday 23 February 2008

Going bad

Have been running crap since my last post. Won a few STT's but busted out in far too many throught some sick beats. Still no breakthrough in the MTT's. So after my bad run I decided to spent more time concentrating on the cash tarbs. Possibly through tilt or playing in the wrong frame of mind, I decided to jump a level to the $0.50/1 nl tables. Was treading water for the first few days not making much progress but at the same time no big loses, until Friday.

Playing 4 tables with $100 at each I hit two nice hands quickly followed by three sick all-in beats. At one table I hit pocket Jacks on the BB, made a 4xBB raise and was called by 2 players. Flop came JJ9, very nice, I checked as did the other 2, turn came an Ace, I check again and one player goes all-in for $57 and the other player folds. I insta call and take a nice pot. Exactly one round later and again on the BB I get JJ again. Another raise and I get called by the button. Flop 983 rainbow. I make a pot size bet and button goes all-in for $119. I call and he turns over pocket 7's. Turn comes a 6 and as you can guess the poker Gods decided to interveen and dish out a 10 on the river giving the villan his back door straight.......sick.

On another table I hit QQ in mid position, make a big raise and get put all-in by the BB for $89. Thinking he was protecting his BB I call and hit a Q on the flop and take down the pot against the BB's pocket Aces, very nice. He calls me a few nice names in the chat box and says 'Sick'. Well that wasnt sick compared to the very next hand. My turn to get AA, so I make a large bet, 8xBB and get raised all-in by the BB, who also had the most chips and had me covered. I insta call showing my AA and he shows 36 of but nice I think. Flop comes 335........end of story. How the fuck can anyone go all-in with 36 sooted and why is such bad play rewarded? Totally sick.

The other all-in loss was my flopped str8 against top pair that went on to hit a back door flush!

Lost a total of $482 that day and have went on to record a total loss of $627 since my last post, totally devestated, and roll now in bad shape.

Looking back at what happened, well I suppose it was bad brm in moving up another level for which I wasnt properly rolled and as a result the Poker Gods have punished me. The manner in which they went about this punishment was so sick, so I have decided to take a break for a few days to try to recover my composure and focus. Note to self, must start to play with a profit/loss strategy to ty to minimise losses.

Back down to where I started I suppose on the $0.10/0.20 tables !

Roll $716


Anonymous said...

keep plugging away mike u'll get there!

Mike Bassett said...

Cheers mate, like you I have been totally disillusioned with poker atm, may take a while to get my confidence back?